What are the commonly used color coordinates?

Commonly used color coordinates include:

Lab color space:

L represents brightness, a represents red/green components, and b represents yellow/blue components. It is a three-dimensional color space that can describe the brightness, saturation, hue and other characteristics of a color. In the Lab* color space, the color difference at the same distance looks equal visually, so it is widely used in the fields of color difference analysis, color management and color matching.

RGB color space:

RGB represents the three primary colors of red, green, and blue, respectively. In the RGB color space, the color is described by the brightness ratio of the three components of red, green and blue. Because it is a standard for computer display colors, it is widely used in digital image processing and color management of display devices and other fields.

HSV color space:

HSV stands for Hue, Saturation, Brightness respectively. In the HSV color space, a color is described by three attributes: the hue determines the basic hue of the color, the saturation describes the purity of the color, and the brightness describes the lightness and darkness of the color. It is widely used in image processing, color analysis and color design and other fields.

CMYK color space:

CMYK represents the four colors of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, respectively. In the CMYK color space, colors are described by percentages of four components. It is mainly used in the field of printing and publishing, and can accurately describe the color characteristics in the printing process.

What are the commonly used color coordinates?  Picture 1

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