
MODERNER LG-1 Sag Tester Anti-Sag Meter 50-275μm
Paints sag test; 50-275μm range, 25μm scale interval; stainless steel; meets GB9264 standard; does not apply to varnishes and powder coatings.

HUINUO Intelligent SAG 450-675μm Coating Anti-Sag Meter Sag Coating Machine
GB/T9264、ASTM D 4400
The range is 450-675 μm, using S136 high quality stainless steel, application width 73.5mm, total length 120mm, in line with GB/T9264 and ASTM D 4400 standards.

HUINUO Intelligent SAG 50-275μm Coating sag, Laboratory Anti-Sag Meter
50~275μmGB/T9264、ASTM D 4400
The range is 50-275μm, using S136 advanced stainless steel, the application width, the total length is 120mm, in line with GB/T9264 and ASTM D 4400 standards.

MODERNER LG-2 Sag Applicator 250-475μm
250 ~ 475µm25µm
Paints sag test; 250-475 μm range, 25 μm scale interval; stainless steel; conforms to GB9264 standard; does not apply to varnishes and powder coatings.

HuiNuo QAG Anti-Sag Meter Set Paints sag resistance tester
50~275um;250~475um;450~675umGB/T 3186
Film thickness range 50~ 275um, 250~ 475um, 450~ 675um, suitable for Paints test, not suitable for testing varnish, powder coatings sagging.

PUSHEN LG 450-1000 sag tester 450-1000 μm
50 / 100µm450 ~ 1000µm
Range 450-1000μm; in line with GB, ISO, ASTM standards; 50/100μm scale interval, the number of grooves 10.

HUINUO Intelligent SAG 850-1075μm sag Moulding Instrument
GB/T9264、ASTM D 4400
The range is 850-1075 μm, using S136 advanced stainless steel, application width, total length 120mm, in line with GB/T9264 and ASTM D 4400 standards.

HUINUO Intelligent SAG 650-875 μm Coating Anti-Sag Meter, Laboratory Anti-Sag Meter
GB/T9264、ASTM D 4400
The range is 650-875 μm, using S136 advanced stainless steel, application width, total length 120mm, in line with GB/T9264 and ASTM D 4400 standards.

Measurement of Sag Properties of HUINUO Intelligent SAG 250-475μm Anti-Sag Meter
250~475μmGB/T9264、ASTM D 4400
The range is 250-475μm, using S136 advanced stainless steel, application width, total length 120mm, in line with GB/T9264 and ASTM D 4400 standards.

PUSHEN LG 50-275 sag tester, groove depth 50-275 μm
50 ~ 275µm25µm
Range 50-275μm; in line with GB, ISO, ASTM standards; 25μm scale interval, the number of grooves 10.

MODERNER LGB sags for inspection of Coatings or Paints
Imperial 0~ 10inch; Metric 1~ 25cm
The LGB type sag board is designed with four uniform volume spherical concave holes for placing samples or master standards, which simply realizes the quantitative requirements. The concave hole volume is 1.29cm3, and the film thickness range is 0~ 10inch; Metric 1~ 25cm.

JINGKELIAN QAG Paints sagging tester for relative sagging tests
50 ~ 675μm (50 ~ 275um), 250 ~ 475um (450 ~ 675um),25µmGB3186
Line standard GB3186, film thickness range 50~ 675μm (50~ 275um; 250~ 475um; 450~ 675um), scale interval 25μm, application width 6mm, scale interval 25μm, wet-film spacing 1.5mm.

PUSHEN LG 250-475 sag tester, groove depth 250-475μm
250 ~ 475µm25µm
Range 250-475μm; in line with GB, ISO, ASTM standards; 25μm scale interval, the number of grooves 10.

LENETA ASM-2 Sag resistance meter Coating Sag resistance measurement, test range 25-150µm
ASTM D440025~150µm25~150µm

MODERNER LG-5 SAG Tester 850-1075μm Paints varnishes Anti-SAG Meter
25µm850 ~ 1075µm
Paints used to determine the relative sag, film thickness range of 850~ 1075 μm, scale interval of 25 μm.

QAG 50-275 Anti-Sag Meter YONGLIDA 50~ 275μm film thickness
25µm50 ~ 275µm
Film thickness range 50~ 275μm, scale interval 25μm, material stainless steel, dimensions 120 * 22 * 20mm.

MODERNER LG-3 Sag Applicator 450~ 675μm
450 ~ 675µm25µm
Paints used to determine the relative sag, film thickness range of 450~ 675 μm, scale interval of 25 μm.

QAG 450-675 Stainless Steel Anti-Sag Meter YONGLIDA Film Thickness 450~ 675μm
450 ~ 675µm25µm

MODERNER LG-4 Sag Applicator Sag Applicator 650-875 μm
Paints used to determine the relative sag, film thickness range of 650~ 875 μm, scale interval of 25 μm.

TRUIT TR 3060/4 Sag Applicator
650-675-700-725-750-775-800-825-850-875 ( μm )
Film thickness 650/675/700/725/750/775/800/825/850/875 μm, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant alloy steel material, in line with GB/T 9264, ASTM D 3730 standards.

TRUIT TR 3060/5 Anti-Sag Meter
Film thickness 850/875/900/925/950/975/1000/1025/1050/1075μm, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant alloy steel material, in line with GB/T 9264, ASTM D 3730 standards.

Tenrui Zhike TR 3060/1 Coating Sag Applicator
50-75-100-125-150-175-200-225-250-275 ( μm )
Film thickness 50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/275μm, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant alloy steel material, in line with GB/T 9264, ASTM D 3730 standards.

TRUIT TR 3060/3 Coating Sag Applicator
Film thickness 450/475/500/525/550/575/600/625/650/675μm, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant alloy steel material, in line with GB/T 9264, ASTM D 3730 standards.

KEXIN QAG sagging tester film thickness range 50-675μm execution standard GB9264-88
Glass plate size 200 × 120 × (2~ 3) mm, scale interval 25 μm, film thickness range 50~ 675 μm, execution standard GB9264-88.

TRUIT TR 3060/2 Coating Anti-Sag Meter
250-275-300-325-350-375-400-425-450-475 ( μm )
Film thickness 250/275/300/325/350/375/400/425/450/475μm, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant alloy steel material, in line with GB/T 9264, ASTM D 3730 standards.

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